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来源:整理 时间:2024-04-30 20:36:25 编辑:五合装修 手机版


七年级下册Unit4hallway (后二位)走廊:过道
hallway, pathway
Corridor aisle
答案是: corridor 或者是 hallway ? ?手工翻译?尊重劳动?欢迎提问?感谢采纳? ?
hallway;side walk



in the hallwayhallway 中文意思是“通道”,也是和走廊最接近的词了。
如走廊较长:in the corridor如门廊、门厅:in the lobby大门厅: in the hallway
如走廊较长:in the corridor如门廊、门厅:in the lobby大门厅: in the hallway 中文意思是“通道”,也是和走廊最接近的词了。。 希望可以帮到你
in the corridor.
on then passage



是的。corridor n.1走廊2.室外过道3.【地理学】走廊(内陆国家为进出海港而突入别国的狭长地带)列举:There were doors on both sides of the corridor.走廊的两侧都有门。East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish Corridor.1919年,波兰走廊把东普鲁士和德国其他地方分隔开了。
corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多。from the main entrance you go through the corridor, and you can reach the elevatorpassage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长。


4,the bridges of madison county有一段的英文翻译在线等

He liked words and images. "Blue" was one of his favorite words. He liked the feeling it made on his lips and tongue when he said it. Words have physical feeling, not just meaning, he remembered thinking when he was young. He liked other words, such as "distant," "woodsmoke," "highway," "ancient," "passage," "voyageur," and "India" for how they sounded, how they tasted, and what they conjured up in his mind. He kept lists of words he liked posted in his room.Then he joined the words into phrases and posted those as well:
he loves letters and images. Blue is one of his favorite color. He is obssesed with the feeling of lip and tonge when he speak that word. He remembered when he is young, he thought that language produces more than just meaning, such as the feeling . He also like some words: distance, road, ancient, passway, hang-jiao business and Indian owing to their pronounciation, the way and the things they invoked in his mind. he listed the vocabulary which he love and stick it in room. then he construct sentences with this words and also he stick these sentences on the wall.
He likes to text and image, "blue" is one of his favorite words. He likes to say the word the feeling of lips and tongue. He remembers when she was younger thought language can produce flesh and that feeling, not only is it a meaning. He also like other words, such as "distance". Wood smoke. "Highway". "Old". "Corridor". "HangJiao business". And "India", because of their voice, taste and in his mind to arouse things. He put the word write lists he like stick in the room. Then he put these affix into sentences stick on the wall:


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