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来源:整理 时间:2023-05-03 01:57:31 编辑:五合装修 手机版












n.樱桃( cherry的名词复数 ),樱桃树,樱桃木,樱桃色
cherry 樱桃(单数) cherries 樱桃(复数)

5,cherries 的意思

cherry [5tFeri] n. 樱桃, 樱桃树, 如樱桃的鲜红色, 处女膜, 处女 Cherry [5tFeri] 彻丽(女子名) cherry cher.ry AHD:[chμr“?] D.J.[6t.eri8] K.K.[6t.Wri] n.(名词) 【复数】 cher.ries Any of several trees or shrubs of the genusPrunus, especially P. avium or P. cerasus, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having pink or white flowers and small, juicy drupes. 樱桃树:几种李属 乔木或灌木中任何一种,尤指 甜樱桃树 或 樱桃树, 原主要产于北部温和地区,开粉红色或白色花朵,结有小而多汁的核果 The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants. 樱桃:这些植物所结的黄色、红色或近于黑色的果实 The wood of any of these plants, especially black cherry. 樱桃木:这些植物中任何一种尤指黑樱桃木所制成的木料 Any of various plants, such as the Barbados cherry or the cornelian cherry, having fruits resembling a cherry. 浆果植物:结有类似樱桃果实的各种植物,如巴巴多斯樱桃树或欧亚山茱萸等 Color A moderate or strong red to purplish red. 【色彩】 樱桃色:中等或深的红色至紫红色 Vulgar Slang The hymen considered as a symbol of virginity. 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 处女膜:被认为是童贞象征的处女膜 adj.(形容词) Containing or having the flavor of cherries. 樱桃制成的或带樱桃味的 Made of the wood of a cherry tree: 用樱桃木制成的: a cherry cabinet. 樱桃木做的橱柜 Color Of a moderate or strong red to purplish red. 【色彩】 淡红色的,鲜红色的:中等或深红色至紫红色的 Middle English cheri 中古英语 cheri from Anglo-Norman cherise 源自 英法语 cherise variant of Old French cerise 古法语 cerise的变体 from Vulgar Latin *ceresia 源自 俗拉丁语 *ceresia from *cerasia 源自 *cerasia from Greek kerasia [cherry tree] 源自 希腊语 kerasia [樱桃树] from kerasos 源自 kerasos [of Semitic origin] ; akin to Assyrian kar?u [起源于闪米特语] ;类似于 亚述语 kar?u Cherry Cher.ry AHD:[chμr“?] Donald Eugene Known as “Don.”(1936-1995) D.J.[6t.eri8] K.K.[6t.Wri] NONE(无词性) American jazz cornetist whose playing and compositions were influenced by musical traditions from around the world. 伽瑞,唐纳德·尤金:美国爵士乐小铜喇叭吹奏者,其演奏和作曲受到世界各国音乐传统的影响 cherry [5tFerI] n. -ries 樱桃 樱桃树 cherry cher.ry AHD:[chμr“?] D.J.[6t.eri8] K.K.[6t.Wri] n. pl. cher.ries Any of several trees or shrubs of the genusPrunus, especially P. avium or P. cerasus, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having pink or white flowers and small, juicy drupes. The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants. The wood of any of these plants, especially black cherry. Any of various plants, such as the Barbados cherry or the cornelian cherry, having fruits resembling a cherry. Color A moderate or strong red to purplish red. Vulgar Slang The hymen considered as a symbol of virginity. adj. Containing or having the flavor of cherries. Made of the wood of a cherry tree: a cherry cabinet. Color Of a moderate or strong red to purplish red. Middle English cheri from Anglo-Norman cherise variant of Old French cerise from Vulgar Latin *ceresia from *cerasia from Greek kerasia [cherry tree] from kerasos [of Semitic origin] ; akin to Assyrian kar?u Cherry Cher.ry AHD:[chμr“?] Donald Eugene Known as “Don.” (1936-1995) D.J.[6t.eri8] K.K.[6t.Wri] NONE American jazz cornetist whose playing and compositions were influenced by musical traditions from around the world.
cherry的复数吧。。。樱桃的意思- -。。
cherry的复数形式 [5tFeri] n. 樱桃, 樱桃树, 如樱桃的鲜红色, 处女膜, 处女
cherry 樱桃;樱桃树 cherries 应该是复数

